Construction industry acronyms - A
This article presents a list of construction industry acronyms beginning with 'A'.
For acronyms beginning with other letters, click on the list below.
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
[edit] A
A - Area
A2A - Air-To-Air
A2W - Air-To-Water
AA - Alkali-Activated (binders)
AA - annual average
AABC - Architects Accredited in Building Conservation
AACO - Association of Architectural Conservation Officers
AADT - Annual Average Daily Traffic
AAP - Area Action Plan
AAR - Alkali-Aggregate Reaction
AAR - Annual Average Rainfall
AAV - Air Admittance Valve (sometimes referred to as a Durgo valve)
AAWT - annual average weekday traffic
AB - Accreditation body
AB - Acoustic Brace
AB - Airbrick
AB - Alarm Bell
AB - Anchor Bolt
AB - As Built
ABC - Above Ceiling
ABC - Activity-Based Costing
ABE - Association of Building Engineers
ABI - The Association of British Insurers
ABR - Alternative Bars Reversed
ABS - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
ABSVD- Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data
AC - Air Conditioning
AC - Alternating Current.
AC - Annual Cost.
AC - Appeal Case
AC - Asbestos cement
ACA - Archaeological Character Area
ACA - Association of Consultant Architects
ACA 3 - Form of Building Agreement
ACAS - Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service
ACASFA - Association of Consultant Architects Standard Form of Agreement CA - Conditions of Appointment
ACD - Accredited Construction Detail
ACE - Association for Consultancy and Engineering
ACFM - Alternating Current Field Measurement
ACM - Aluminium Composite Material
ACM - Asbestos Containing Material
ACM - Asbestos Containing Materials
ACM PE - Aluminium Composite Material with an unmodified polyethylene core, or ACM category 3.
ACO - Architectural Conservation Officer
ACOP - Approved Code of Practice
ACS - Average Cold Spell
ACSM - Alternating Current Stress Measurement
ACT - Action Counters Terrorism
ACT - Advanced Curtain Walling Technology
ACU - Association of Commonwealth Universities
ACV - Alternative Contract Value
ACV - Asset of Community Value
ACWP - Actual Cost of Work Performed
AD - Anaerobic Digestion
AD - Anno Domini
AD - Approved Document
AD - Aspirated Detector
ADA - Association of Drainage Authorities
ADCAC - Approval of Details (relating to CAC)
ADF - Accidental Dwelling Fires
ADFULL - Approval of Details (relating to FULL)
ADH - Adhesive
ADLBC - Approval of Details (relating to LBC)
ADMS - Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System
ADMS - Advanced Distribution Management System
ADQ - Actual Digital Questions
ADR - Alternative Dispute Resolution
ADS - Archaeology Data Service
ADV - Advert Application
ADViCE - AI for Decarbonisation’s Virtual Centre of Excellence
AEA - Allowed Enforcement Appeal
AEC - Annual Equivalent Cost.
AEC - Architectural, Engineering and Construction
AECB - Association for Environment Conscious Building
AECO - Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operation
AECOO - Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Owner and Operator
AED - Automated external defibrillator
AEDET - Achieving Excellence in Design Evaluation Toolkit (healthcare buildings)
AEP - Annual Exceedance Probability
AES - Afflux Estimation System
AET - Acoustic Emission Testing
AEV - Annual Equivalent Value.
AFDD - Arc Fault Detection Device
AFF - Above Finished Floor
AFFL - Above Finished Floor Level
AFL - Agreement For Lease
AFOLU - Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use
AFP - Active Fire Protection
AGI - Artificial General Intelligence
AHA - Agricultural Holdings Act
AHAM - Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers
AHERA - Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
AHJ - Authority Having Jurisdiction
AHP - Analytic hierarchy process
AHU - Air Handling Unit
AHVLA - Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency
AI - Analogue Input
AI - Approved Inspector
AIA - Asbestos International Association
AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AIB - Asbestos Insulation Board
AIL - Abnormal Indivisible Load
AIM - Architectural Information Model
AIM - Asset Information Model
AIOSH - Associate of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
AIR - Asset Information Requirements.
ALARP - As Low As Reasonably Practicable
ALB - Arm's Length Body
ALC - Agricultural Land Classification
ALC - Alliance Contract
ALG - Association of London Government
ALGAO - Association of Local Government Archaeological Officers
ALGE - Association of Local Government Ecologists
ALM - Alarm
ALO - Architectural Liaison Officer
ALOS - Average Length of Stay
ALR - All Lane Running (ALR) motorways
ALUM - Aluminium
AM - Additive Manufacturing (3D printing)
AM - Asset Management
AMF - Above Main Floor
AMF - Automatic Mains Failure (detection)
AMIN - Annual Minium Flow
AMN - All Measures Necessary
AMP - Asbestos Management Plan
AMP5 - Asset management plan for the 5-year period 2010-2015
AMR - Advanced Modular Reactor
AMS - Ancient Monuments Society
AMT - Automatic Monitoring and Targeting
ANC - Association of Noise Consultants
ANN - Artificial Neural Network
ANOD - Anodised
ANP - Analytic Network Process
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
AO - Analogue Output
AOB - Any Other Business
AoC - Attestation of Conformity
AOCTs - Associated Overseas Countries and Territories
AOD - above Ordnance Datum
AoE - Audio over Ethernet
AOM - Asset Optioneering Model
AONB - area of outstanding natural beauty
AoS - appraisal of sustainability
AoV - Angle of View
AOV - Automatic Opening Vent
AP - Accredited Professional (BREEAM)
AP - Additional Provision
AP130 - 30-day antecedent precipitation index
APAD - Application for Prior Approval to Demolish
APC - Aminopolycarboxylate
APC - Assessment of Professional Competence
APD - Air pressure drop
APE - Association of Planning Engineers
APF - Assigned Protection Factor
APF - Assured Performance Framework
APHA - Animal And Plant Health Agency
APHO - Association Of Public Health Observatories
API - Air Pollution Index
API - Antecedent Precipitation Index
API - Application Programming Interface
APPG - All Party Parliamentary Group
APQP - Advanced Product Quality Planning
APS - Association of Planning Supervisors
APUDG - All Party Urban Development Group
APX - Approx.
AQAP - air quality action plan
AQMA - air quality management area
AQMP - Air Quality Management Plan
AQP - Academically Qualified Person
AQS - Air Quality Strategy
AR - Assessment Report
AR - Allocation Round
aR - Assisted reality
ARB - Architects Registration Board
ARC - Alarm Receiving Centre
ARCA - Asbestos Removal Contractors Association
ARL - Asset Remaining Life
ARP - Adaptation Reporting Power
ARPT - Annual Residential Property Tax
ARS - Average Risk Score
AS - AcouStud
AS - Aspirated Detector
AS - Audio Speaker
ASA - Alternative site assessment
ASBA - Association of Self-Build Architects
ASBU - Advanced Social Building Unit
ASC - Above Suspended Ceiling
ASC - Adaptation Sub
ASC - Asset support contractor
ASD - Allowable Strength Design
ASD - Aspirated Detector
ASFP - Association for Specialist Fire Protection
ASHCB - Association for Studies in the Conservation of Historic Buildings
ASHP - Air Source Heat Pump
ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers
ASI - Architect and Surveying Institute
ASL - advanced stop line
ASLIC - Asbestos (Licensing) Regulations
ASLV - Area Of Special Landscape Value
ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASP - Application service provider
ASR - Aquifer storage and recovery
AST - Assured Shorthold Tenancy.
ASTI - Accelerated Strategic Transmission Investment
ASTM - ASTM International (originally American Society for Testing and Materials).
AStSWF - area susceptible to surface water flooding
ASZ - Archaeological Sub
ASZ - archaeological sub-zone
ATC - Assessment of Technical Competence
ATC - Automatic Temperature Control
ATC - automatic traffic count
ATE - Actual Time Expended
ATH - Aluminium Trihydrate
ATO - accumulated temperature above 0°C
ATP - Acceptance Test Protocol/Acceptance To Proceed/Authority to Proceed
ATP - Adenosine Triphosphate
ATS - Aerobic Treatment System
ATS - Automatic Transfer Switch
ATT - Advanced Thermal Treatments
AURN - Automatic Urban and Rural Network
AMR - Automatic Meter Read
Available Supply Capacity (ASC)
Authorised Supply Capacity (ASC)
AV - Audio Visual (equipment)
AVCL - Air and Vapour Control Layer
AVCP - Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance
AVH - AV Hub
AVS - Automated vendor selection
AWC - available water capacity
AWI - Ancient Woodland Inventory
AWIS - Ancient Woodland Inventory Site
AWS - Automatic warning system
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