Construction industry acronyms - O
This article presents a list of construction industry acronyms beginning with 'O'.
For other letters click on the list below:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
[edit] O
02 - Oxygen
O&M - Operations and Maintenance (See Building Owner's Manual)
O/A - On or About
OA - On or About
OA - Optimised Alternative
OAD - Outside Access Device
OAPF - Opportunity Area Planning Framework
OBC - Outline Business Case
OBR - Office For Budget Responsibility
Obs - Obsolete/Obsolescent
OBS - Organisation Breakdown Structure
OBS - Office for Building Safety (Northern Ireland)
OBST - Operational Business Systems Team
OC - On Centre
OC - Open Crossing
OCDEA - On Construction Domestic Energy Assessor
OCF - Open Connectivity Foundation
OCIP - Owner-controlled insurance programme
OCR - Opportunity Cost Rent
OCS - Overhead Catenary System
OCT - Overseas Countries and Territories
OD - Ordnance Datum
OD - Original Datum
OD - Outside Diameter
ODA - Olympic Delivery Authority
ODM - Original Design Manufacturer
ODP - Ozone Depletion Potential
ODS - Ozone Delpleting Substances.
ODYM - Open Dynamic Material Systems Model
OECD - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
OEE - Overall Equipment Effectiveness
OEL - Occupational Exposure Limit
OELS - Organic Entry Level Stewardship
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
OES - Occupational Exposure Standard
OES - Optical Emission Spectrometry
OF - Overflow
OFGEM - Office of Gas and Electricity Markets
OFL - Over-Flow alarm
OFS - Oil Fired Appliance Standard
Ofsted - Office For Standards In Education
OFWAT - Office of Water Services
OfWAT - The Water Services Regulation Authority
OGC - Office of Government Commerce (no longer in existence)
OGC - Open Geospatial Consortium
OGD - Other Government Departments
OGSF - Overall Gross Square Footage
OH - Occupational Health
OH - Over Head
OHAC - Occupational Health Advisory Committee
OHP - Overhead Projector
OIC - Open Connectivity Foundation
OIL - Open Items List
OIL - Outstanding Items List
ONR - Office for Nuclear Regulation
OIOO - One In One Out
OIR - Oganisational Information Requirements
OITO - One In Two Out
OJEU - Official Journal of the European Union
OLA - Occupiers' Liability Act
OLB - Timber Origin and Legality (Origine et Légalité des Bois)
OLC - Open Level Crossing
OLE - Object Linking and Embedding
OM - Operating & Maintenance (Manual)
OM - Operations Manager
OM - Organic Matter
OML - Ordinary Maternity Leave
OMM / O&MM Operation & Maintenance Manual
ONR - Office For Nuclear Regulation
ONS - Office For National Statistics
OP - Orifice Plate
OPA - Output and Performance Analysis
OPAS - Operational Property Asset System
OPC – Ordinary Portland Cement
OPEX - Operational Expenditure
OPIP - Operational Process Improvement Project
OPM - Output and Performance Measures
OPO - One Person Operated
OPPI - Owners' Protective Professional Insurance
OPR - Owner's Project Requirements
OPSS - Office for Product Safety and Standards
ORC - Organic Rankine Cycle
ORR - Office of Rail and Road (was Office of Rail Regulation)
ORR - Office Of Rail Regulation
OS - Ordnance Survey
OSAT - On-Site Assessment and Training
OSB - Oriented Strand Board
OSC - Offsite Construction
OSC - Operational Safety Case
OSD - Over Site Development
OSF - On-the-job, social, formal
OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSI - Open Systems Interconnection (model)
OSRPA - Offices Shops and Railway Premises Act
OSS - Open Spaces Society
OTA - Owner Tenant Agreement
OTL - Object Type Library
OTS - Office of Tax Simplification
OV - Oven
OWIC - The Offshore Wind Industry Council
OWMIS - Offshore Wind Manufacturing Investment Scheme
OZ - Outer Zone
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