Construction industry acronyms - V
This article presents a list of construction industry acronyms beginning with 'V'.
For other letters click on the list below:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
[edit] V
V/A - Visual Aid
VA - Value Analysis
VA - Virtual Assistant
VAC - Constant Air Volume
VAC - Variance At Completion
VAD - Visual Alarm Device
VAPP - Value Added Per Person
VAV - Variable Air Volume
VaW - Vehicle As a Weapon
VAWT - Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
VCD - Volume Control Damper
VCL - Vapour Control Layer
VCM - Vinyl Chloride Monomer
VCO - Voluntary and Community Organisation
VCP - Volume Change Potential (of ground clays)
VCS - Verified Carbon Standard
VCSE - Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
VCT - Vinyl composition tile
VDC - Virtual Design and Construction
VDU - Visual Display Unit
VDV - Vibration Dose Value
VE - Value Engineering
VEH - Vibration Energy Harvesters
VER - Verified Emission Reduction
VET - Vocational Education and Training
VFD - Variable Frequency Drive
VFM/VfM - Value for Money
VHR - Ventilation Heat Recovery
VHS - Video Home System
VIG - Vacuum Insulated Glazing
VKT - Vehicle Kilometres Travelled / Vehicle-Kilometres of Travel
VM - Value Management
VMI - Vendor Managed Inventory
VMU - Vehicle Maintenance Unit
VMU - Vertical Mixed Use
VMU - Visual Mock-Up
VNMS - Variable Wall Mining System
VO - Variation Order
VoC - Voice of the Customer
VOC - Volatile Organic Compound
VP - Vacant Possession
VPA - Voluntary Partnership Agreement
VPC - Veterinary Products Committee
VPN - Virtual Private Network
VPT - Vibration Panel Technology
VRE - Variable Renewable Energy.
VRF - Variable Refrigerant Flow
VRLA - Valve Regulated Lead-Acid (battery)
VRMP - Value and Risk Management Protocol
VRP - Value-Retention Processes
VRS - Vehicle Restraint System
VRS - Virtual Reference Station
VRV - Variable Refrigerant Volume (condenser unit)
VSC - Vertical Sky Component
VSC - Voluntary Safety Cases
VSD - Variable Speed Drive
VST - Vicat Softening Temperature
VTG - Variable Transmission Glazing
VWF - Vibration White Finger
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