Construction industry acronyms - I
This article presents a list of construction industry acronyms beginning with 'I'.
For other letters click on the list below:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
[edit] I
I4.0 - Industrie 4.0 (Fourth industrial revolution)
I&C - Industrial & Commercial
IA - Impact Assessment.
IA - Investment authorisation
IAAP - Integrated Assurance and Approval Plan
IAF - Investment Appraisal Framework
IAF - Irish Architecture Foundation
IAG - Interdepartmental Analysts Group
IAN - Interim Advice Note
IAQM - Institute Of Air Quality Management
IAQP - Indoor Air Quality Plan
IAS - International Accounting Standard
IAS - Invasive Alien Species.
IBA - Important Bird Area
IBA - Industrial Building Allowances (tax)
IBC - Intermediate Bulk Container
iBIM - Integrated BIM
IBM - Intelligent Building Management
IBMA - Imitation Antique Bronze
IBNR - Incurred But Not Reported
IBP - Industrial Business Park
IC - Inspection Chamber.
IC - Inspection Cover
IC - Integrated circuit
IC - Intermediate Contract
ICA - Independent Client Adviser.
ICC - Infrastructure Conditions of Contract
ICD - Incorporating Designed Portion Supplement
ICE - Institution Of Civil Engineers
ICE - Internal Combustion Engine
ICER - Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio
ICF - Insulating Concrete Formwork / Insulating Concrete Form.
ICF - Investment Control Framework
IChemE - Institute of Chemical Engineers
ICNIRP - International Commission On Non
ICNIRP - International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
ICOMOS - International Council On Monuments And Sites
ICS - International Classification For Standards
ICSRA - Integrated Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis
ICT - Information and Communications Technology
ICT - Institute of Concrete Technology
ICU - Intensive Care Unit
ICWCI - Institute of Clerks of Works and Construction Inspectorate.
ICZM - Integrated Coastal Zone Management
ID - Identification
ID - Internal Diameter
IDAP - Independent dispute avoidance panel
IDB - Internal Drainage Board
IDBB - Integrated Design/Bid/Build
IDD - Internal Drainage District
IDF - Internal Dominant Face
IDLH - Immediately Dangerous To Life Or Health
IDM - Information Delivery Manual
IDM - Investment Decision Maker
IDP - Inclusive Design Principles
IDP - Integrated Design Process
IDP - Integrated Drainage Process.
IDS - Information Delivery Specification
IDSNS - Initial Debris Screen Need Score
IEA - International Energy Agency
IECC - Integrated Electronic Control Centre
IECEE - International Electrotechnical Commission's Certification Scheme
IED - Improvised Explosive Device
IEEM - Institute Of Ecology And Environmental Management
IEMA - Institute Of Environmental Management And Assessment
IEP - Intercity Express Programme
IEQ - Indoor Environmental Quality.
iESE - Improvement & Efficiency Social Enterprise (Framework)
IET - Institute of Engineering and Technology
IET - The Institution of Engineering and Technology
IEV - Intermittent Extract Ventilation
IFC - Industry Foundation Classes - the open and neutral data format for Open BIM.
IFC - Intermediate form of building contract (JCT)
IFC - Issued for Construction (drawings)
IFD - Industry Foundation Dictionary
IFD - International Framework for Dictionaries
IFE - Institute of Freshwater Ecology
IG - Industry Group
IGH - Building of great height
IGT - Innovation and Growth Team
IGTs - Independent Gas Transporters
IGU - Insulated Glass Unit
IHBC - Institute Of Historic Building Conservation
IHD - In-Home Display
IHT - Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation
IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
IIE - Institute of Industrial Engineers
IIP - Investors in People
ILFE - Inset Live Fuel Effect fire
ILMS - Integrated Library Management System
ILW - Intermediate Level Waste
ILWS - Inductive Loop Warning System
IM - Information Manager
IMA - Initial Model Assessment
IMD - Infrastructure Maintenance Depot
IMD - Interactive Modal Analysis
IMechE - Institution of Mechanical Engineers
IMF - Information Management Framework
IMF - International Monetary Fund
IML - Information Management Landscape
IMO - Interim Management Order
IMP - Information Management Process
IMP - Insulated Metal Panel.
IMPACT - Integrated Material Profile and Costing Tool
IMT - Inspection Management Team
IMU - Information Management Unit
IN - Improvement Notice
IN - Issue Note
INC V6 - BREEAM International New Construction Version 6
INDG - Industry Guidance
INDO - Independent Distribution Network Operators
INNS - Invasive Non-Native Species
InSAR - Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
INSUL - Insulation
INT - Interior
INTL - Internal
IOC - International Oil Company
IOELV - Indicative Occupational Exposure Limit Value
IoMD - Index Of Multiple Deprivation
IoT - Internet of Things
IOTs - Iron ore tailings
IP - Ingress Protection
IP - Injured Person
IP - Intellectual Property.
IP - Internet Protocol.
IP - Investment Projects.
IP (-Rated) - Ingress Protection (Rated)
IPA - Isopropyl Alcohol
IPA - Infrastructure Projects Authority
IPC - Independent Principal Consultant
IPC - Integrated Pollution Control
IPCC - Ar5 Ipcc’s 5th Assessment Reports
IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change
IPD - Initial Professional Development
IPEG - Increased Potential For Elevated Groundwater
IPG - Information Planning Group
IPI - Independent Project Insurance
IPMS - International Property Measurement Standards
IPPC - Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
IPPR - Institute for Public Policy Research
IPR - Integrated Pollution Regulation
IPR - Intellectual Property Rights
IPS - Integrated Protection System
IPT - Integrated Project Team
IR - Infra Red
IR - Ionising Radiation
IRC - Internal reflected component
IRENA - International Renewable Energy Agency
IRM - Inspection Repair and Maintenance (offshore)
IRMP Integrated Risk Management Plan
IROPI - Imperative Reasons of Overriding Public Interest
IRP - Intellectual Property Rights
IRR - Internal Rate of Return
IRS - Incident Recording System
IRS - Incident Reporting System
IRS - Information Release Schedule
IRS - Integrated Reception System
IS - Information Services
IS - Information Specialist
IS - Information Systems
IS - Intrinsic Safety
IS - Intrinsically Safe
iSBEM - Simplified Building Energy Model
ISBN - International Standard Book Number
ISC - Immigration Skills Charge
ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network
ISG - Insulated Glass Unit
ISI - In-Service Inspection
ISIS - One-dimensional hydraulic modelling software developed by Halcrow
ISM - Integrated Service Module.
ISO - International Organisation For Standardisation
ISO - International Organization for Standardization
ISP - Information Strategy Planning
ISSG - Industry Safety Steering Group
ISSNS - Initial Security Screen Need Score
IST - Integrated Systems Testing
IST - Integrated Supply Team
ISU- International Space University
ITA - Integrated Transport Authority
ITB - Industry Training Board
ITGH - Buildings of a very tall height
ITN - Invitation to Negotiate
ITP - Inspection and Test Plan
ITPD - Invitation to Participate in Dialogue
ITS - Integrated Transport Authority
IV - Indirect Vent
IV - Isolating Valve.
IVA - Individual Voluntary Agreement (See insolvency)
IVO - Inlet Valve Opening
IVS - International Valuation Standards
IW - Indirect Waste
IWA - Inland Waterways Association
IWF - Interwovern Fence
IWFM - The Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (previously BIFM)
IWL - Independent Wall Lining
IWM - Integrated Water Management
IWRM - Integrated Water Resource Management
IZ - Inner Zone
IZC - Individual Zone Controllers
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