Public project: detailed design
The detailed design stage is concerned with developing the detailed design and technical design for the project. It may also include making a detailed planning application and applications for statutory approvals.
Depending on how experienced the client is, they may appoint external consultants such as independent client advisers or a project manager to assist them. This means that some of the tasks attributed to the client below might actually be carried out by independent client advisers, a project manager or a contract administrator (employer's agent on design and build projects) and vice versa.
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[edit] Starting the work stage.
The client updates the project execution plan to reflect comments made at the end of the previous stage. The integrated supply team co-ordinates a start-up meeting attended by the client to receive comments made at the end of the previous stage, and to agree the programme for the detailed design stage.
The client may identify a requirement to appoint additional independent client advisers, a project manager or a contract administrator (employer's agent on design and build projects). Go to work stage: Public project: appointment.
[edit] Developing detailed design options.
The integrated supply team co-ordinates the development of a detailed design based on the approved concept design and co-ordinates consultations about the functional aspects of detailed design with the client's user panels and champions, and if necessary with external stakeholders.
The integrated supply team co-ordinate consultations with statutory authorities, non-statutory authorities, insurance providers, neighbours etc.
The integrated supply team co-ordinates development of the detailed design to take on board comments made during consultations and updates the elemental cost plan and cash flow projection.
[edit] Developing the outline specification.
The integrated supply team assesses the likely scope of specifications that will be required and co-ordinates the development of the outline specification.
The integrated supply team identifies requirements for equipment to be provided within the contract or equipment which has installation requirements to be provided within the contract.
The integrated supply team co-ordinates the sourcing of materials, components and assemblies for comment by the client. NB The client can only comment in relation to compliance with the output-based specification. Comments which amount to a change in the output-based specification may be charged for by the integrated supply team and could result in delays to the project.
The integrated supply team identifies any requirement for design by specialist contractors.
[edit] Developing a detailed design.
The integrated supply team arranges a design review of the detailed design and outline specification and then develops the detailed design and outline specification to take on board any comments made. The integrated supply team updates the elemental cost plan and cash flow projection.
If required by the contract, the integrated supply team presents the final detailed design to the client for comment.
The client considers the detailed design and comments within the specified time. NB The client can only comment in relation to compliance with the output-based specification. Comments which amount to a change in the output-based specification may be charged for by the integrated supply team and could result in delays to the project.
If instructed, the integrated supply team amends the detailed design.
If required the integrated supply team makes a detailed planning application (or reserved matters applications if a previous application was made for outline planning permission). Go to work stage: Public project: planning permission.
[edit] Appointing specialist contractors to assist in the technical design.
The integrated supply team co-ordinates the preparation of tender documentation for specialist contractors.
If appropriate, the integrated supply team advertises the specialist contracts and prepares and issues pre-qualification questionnaires. It may be appropriate to hold pre-tender interviews with prospective tenderers. A short list of prospective tenderers is then by prepared.
The integrated supply team co-ordinates the preparation and issue of tender documentation to specialist contractors and co-ordinates the review of submitted tenders. The integrated supply team carries out financial checks to ensure the contract is within the financial capability of the tenderers (ideally the contract should not be more than 20% of the annual turnover of the tenderer). Interviews may be carried out if necessary.
If necessary, based on the price of the tenders received, the integrated supply team may need to amend the design and seek revised tenders, or to carry out a value management exercise, amend the design and seek revised tenders.
The integrated supply team begins negotiations with the preferred specialist contractor(s).
The integrated supply team appoints the preferred specialist contractors to assist in preparation of the technical design and organises approval and payment procedures for the specialist contractors.
[edit] Preparing the technical design.
If necessary, the integrated supply team organises a specialist contractors' start-up meeting.
The integrated supply team co-ordinates the preparation of the technical design including the incorporation of design by specialist contractors. The integrated supply team may wish to appoint a design co-ordinator to be responsible for this.
The integrated supply team co-ordinates a design review of the technical design, and if appropriate, arranges visits to the specialist contractors premises to assess samples or mock-ups and to witness tests.
Where appropriate, the integrated supply team obtains samples for comment by the client. NB The client can only comment in relation to compliance with the output-based specification. Comments which amount to a change in the output-based specification may be charged for by the integrated supply team and could result in delays to the project.
The integrated supply team co-ordinates amendment of technical design in line with comments made during the design review, develops the elemental cost plan into an approximate quantities cost plan and revises the cash flow projection.
[edit] Preparing a detailed design report (if required).
The integrated supply team co-ordinates consultations with the statutory authorities to establish submission requirements for statutory approvals. The integrated supply team may appoint an approved inspector to consider building regulations submissions (rather than making submissions to a local authority inspector).
If required by the contract, the integrated supply team co-ordinates the preparation of design documents (such as a detailed design report) for the client.
The client reviews the design documents. NB The client can only comment in relation to compliance with the output-based specification. Comments which amount to a change in the output-based specification may be charged for by the integrated supply team and could result in delays to the project.
If necessary, the integrated supply team amends the design and elemental cost plan.
The integrated supply team freezes the technical design and specifications, introduces change control procedures and co-ordinates applications for statutory approvals and other approvals.
NB OGC decision point 2: detailed design does not appear in the detailed design stage, as the decision point includes completion of applications for statutory approvals and a commitment to construct, and so it is not appropriate until the next stage: public project: production information.
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