Specialist accommodation for older people
The London Plan, published by the Mayor of London in March 2016, suggests that there are a number of different types of specialist accommodation for older people including:
- ‘Sheltered accommodation: self-contained residential accommodation specifically designed and managed for older people in need of no or a low level of support. Each household has self-contained accommodation and the schemes normally include additional communal facilities such as a residents lounge. A warden, scheme manager, community alarm/telecare or house manager interacts with residents on a regular basis and is the first point of contact in an emergency.’
- ‘Extra care accommodation (sometimes also referred to as close care, assisted living, very sheltered or continuing care housing): Self-contained residential accommodation and associated facilities designed and managed to meet the needs and aspirations of people who by reason of age or vulnerability have an existing or foreseeable physical, sensory, cognitive or mental health impairment. Each household has self-contained accommodation and 24 hour access to emergency support. In addition extra care accommodation includes a range of other facilitates such as a residents lounge, a guest room, laundry room, day centre activities, a restaurant or some kind of meal provision, fitness facilities and classes and a base for health care workers. The exact mix of facilities will vary on a site by site basis. Some domiciliary care is provided as part of the accommodation package, according to the level of need of each resident. Extra care housing aims to create a balanced community, bringing together a balanced proportion of people with different levels of care needs.’
- ‘Residential/nursing care (including end of life/hospice care and dementia care): Nursing or residential care home providing non-self-contained residential accommodation for people who by reason of age or illness have physical, sensory or mental impairment, including high levels of dementia. Accommodation is not self-contained; meals and personal services are routinely provided to all residents. Communal facilities are likely to include a dining room and residents lounge. There will be a scheme manager and in house care team who provide a consistent presence. Personal or nursing care is a critical part of the accommodation package. Nursing homes include 24 hour medical care from a qualified nurse.’
NB Housing statistics and English Housing Survey, glossary, published by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities in 2019, defines sheltered accommodation as: ‘Accommodation for a Household Reference Person or partner aged 55 or over where a warden or manager is available to help residents if needed (note: warden/manager may or may not live on site).’
See also: Residential care building.
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