Last edited 02 Feb 2021

Exchange information requirements

The Handbook for the introduction of Building Information Modelling by the European Public Sector published by the EU BIM Task Group in 2017 suggests that:

There are different types of information requirements related to the delivery or operational phase of an asset, spanning from organizational information requirements, asset information requirements and project information requirements.

All asset and project information that is to be supplied as part of asset management or project delivery should be specified by the appointing party through sets of exchange information requirements (EIR). They should be expressed in such a way that they can be incorporated into project-related appointments or instructions12 and passed along the supply chain.

The content of the EIR basically covers three areas:

This asset and project information to be supplied collectively by the solution providers (i.e. the Engineer and the Contractor and the Suppliers) can be supplied only if the Building Owners and the Operators have themselves at an earlier stage clearly spelled out their needs and requirements as these will be the base for any future validation and commissioning or acceptance of the to be built facility. This covers the project itself and its BIM objectives.

Information protocol to support BS EN ISO 19650-2 the delivery phase of assets, published by the UK BIM Framework in association with the Construction Industry Council (CIC), Edition 1: May 2020, defines Exchange Information Requirements as: ‘…the Appointor’s specification for what, when, how and for whom information in connection with the Appointment is to be produced as may be identified in the Information Particulars and/or provided in accordance with the Information Standard.’

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