Last edited 24 Jun 2022

As-built or as-constructed building information model

According to PAS 1192-2:2013: Specification for information management for the capital/delivery phase of construction projects using building information modelling (BIM), (now replaced by BS EN ISO 19650) an as-built or as-constructed building information model is a:

'A model consisting of documentation, non- graphical information and graphical information defining the delivered project.

As-built” is defined as the record drawings and documentation defining deviation to the designed information occurring during construction at the end of the project.

“As-constructed” defines the defect and deviation to the designed model occurring during construction. The “as-constructedmodel and its appended documentation are continually updated through re-measurement as construction progresses. This allows for deviation to be reviewed with respect to the following packages and making knowledgeable assessment of impact and resolution.'

NB Design Framework for Building Services 5th Edition (BG 6/2018), written by David Churcher, John Sands & Martin Ronceray, and published by BSRIA in June 2018 suggests:

This model shows all as-built engineering systems, components and equipment. All pipes, ducts and cable objects contain data about their sizes, flow rates, flow direction, voltages (as appropriate), and the model should include access information for equipment maintenance and replacement. It is analogous to the level of detail in BSRIA Record drawings.

Tolerances for as-built models should be agreed between the recipient and the author before installation starts, with reference to other members of the project team as appropriate. Different tolerances might be agreed for visible and hidden components.

Typical object parameters to include along with geometry at this stage would include:

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