Last edited 21 May 2024

BS 9997: 2019 Fire Risk Management Systems

BS 9997 is a British Standard that specifically focusses on fire safety in the design, management, and use of residential buildings. Published by the British Standards Institution (BSI), it provides comprehensive guidance to architects, engineers, developers, and regulatory authorities on mitigating fire risks and ensuring the safety of occupants in residential structures. BS 9997 covers various aspects of fire safety, including building layout, materials selection, escape routes, detection and alarm systems, and firefighting provisions. By adhering to the guidelines outlined in BS 9997, stakeholders can effectively assess, plan, and implement measures to minimise the likelihood of fire incidents and mitigate their potential impact, ultimately safeguarding lives and property.

Overall, BS 9997 aims to enhance the safety and resilience of residential buildings against the threat of fire, ultimately reducing the risk of fire-related injuries, fatalities, and property damage.

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