Green Alliance
Green Alliance is an independent think tank and charity focused on ambitious leadership for the environment. Since 1979, it has been working with the most influential leaders in business, NGO's and politics to accelerate political action and create transformative policy for a green and prosperous UK.
Green Alliance was launched in 1979 'to ensure that the political priorities of the United Kingdom are determined within an ecological perspective’. The name originally referred to the large group of eminent individuals from a wide range of professional spheres who were founding members.
Today the focus is on ensuring the UK government rises to the significant environmental leadership challenges of this age and, in doing so, reaps the social and economic benefits that come from an effective UK response to the climate and nature crises.
The Green Aliliance aims to;
- Turn UK political ambition on climate and nature into rapid action.
- Promote effective solutions for a fair transition to a green economy.
- Push the boundaries to find new answers to complex environmental problems.
The Circular Economy Task Force (CETF) is a business group convened by the Green Alliance, a forum for policy, innovation and business thinking on resource use in the UK, chaired by Colin Church, chief executive of IOM3 (2023). With the support of the CETF, Green Alliance conducts independent, objective research and analysis to inform resources policy, convening stakeholders from government, civil society and industry to develop and test ideas.
For more information visit the Green Alliance website here
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