Last edited 03 May 2022

Green network

Glasgow City Development Plan, Published by Glasgow City Council in 2016, defines the green network as: ‘The linking together of natural, semi natural and man made open spaces (which may include leisure or recreational facilities) to create an interconnected network that provides multi-function benefits including opportunities for physical activity, increased accessibility within settlements and to the surrounding countryside, enhanced biodiversity, water management, active travel and the quality of the external environment.’

Guidance on designating Local Landscape Areas, published in October 2020 by NatureScot and Historic Environment Scotland, defines a green network as: ‘A broad term which usually refers to a set of connected areas of green space and habitats such as parks, paths and woodlands within an urban or suburban region which provide a range of social, ecological and economic benefits such as increasing the quality of life within an area, and creating sustainable communities.’

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