About Paranmurmu
Paran Murmu is an Indian Entrepreneur, Artist, And Digital Marketer. He is the active Musical artist and social media influencer, Youtuber.

A Budding Influencer Entrepreneur and Music Artists – Paran Murmu
In the modern scenario , where competition is on the peak , it is a boon for someone having multiple skills . This demanding world needs adaptable and all - around personalities . There are many resources and opportunities before us but we don’t know how to make a good use out of that. Social media platforms are one of them. It is such a wonderful place to explore yourself as well as the world. These online sites are benefiting numerous people in many ways. If you know the techniques and ways of using such platforms , you can earn handsome amount of money. Besides that it will enhance your knowledge and experience.
Paran Murmu, resident of West Bengal ( India) , has earned his name in the list of successful entrepreneurs and social media influencers. Paran himself said ,' Entrepreneurship is a passion for me and social media is something I am interested in.” It is obvious after hearing this statement that he has interest and skill both in handling search social networking sites. Paran Murmu who is born in a very small village of Gopalpur but his visions are very high . At the age of 19 years only he has established reputation as a high-end entrepreneur and a successful social media influencer. He proved to the world that social sites are not only for entertainment purposes . If you try and learn then you can make excellent use of it. You can grab money from sitting in your home while enjoying a cup of coffee . Paran has made his identity of an Indian social media influencer through his hard work and dedication. A budding entrepreneur is on his way of adventure . He has a huge network of followers on the Facebook and Instagram platforms which shows his connectivity to the people and his work . We all are very well acquainted of the demand and scope of digital marketing in present time . This craze of digital marketing is increasing day-by-day among youth and other people. Due to the corona pandemic many brands and companies are shifting their work online . Earlier, internet was mainly used for entertainment, for uploading pictures and chatting with family and friends. Now it is not limited to those things only. In this fast changing and growing world every platform has upgraded its facilities. Technologies are our future. Social sites have given employment to many people. It offers many perks to the people who are efficient and innovative. Such is the case of Paran Murmu also, who helps entrepreneurs, influencers and busines owners in personal and business branding projects by creating the brand awareness in front of the virtual world. Paran is so passionate and disciplined about his profession. His innovative ideas and skilled works are paving the way of his tremendous success . Apart from his interest in marketing he is also passionate about traveling, technology ,fashion and food . It is never easy to start a new thing . Trying something out of the box is definitely a brave decision. You have to believe in yourself more than any other people. Paran did the same. He believed in his ideas and efforts. Due to his experiments, hardships and dedication now he has reached the place where he once desired for. We should always strive for better . As Paran himself stated that its just start for him, many more creativity is yet to come. Such skilled, hard working and true entrepreneurs are hard to find these days who believes in discussing solutions instead of problems . People need to learn from his innovative and determined thinking . At last but not the least , we heartily appreciate all the efforts which Paran is putting to benifit others and also wish him all the very best for his future endeavours. You can connect to him through the following social media handles.
https://instagram.com/paran__pp?utm_medium=copy_link https://www.facebook.com/paran.murmu.07 https://twitter.com/ParanMurmu1?t=j_O8xL4Eio9jfTQpKdUXOg&s=09
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