About VaughanHarris
Vaughan is the founder and editor to the Construction Software & IT journal and is currently the Executive Director for the BIM Institute.

Vaughan has been involved in various sectors of the construction industry for the past 24 years, locally and internationally.Since graduating as a Quantity Surveyor in 1994, Vaughan has also been specializing in information management systems giving him the opportuinty to work with an Australian company that worked on projects ranging from transport to defense. His 8 year career with CCS(Construction Computer Software) gave him the opportunity of working closely with most of South Africas largets contractors in defining their workflows and processes. While working with 4Projects, a UK based company, he has had the opportunity to engage with many UK companies involved with the UK BIM mandate.
Vaughan also in the past has lectured in the Department of Construction and Economics Management at the University of Cape Town, transferring knowledge learnt on new generation technology for the construction industry. In addition to his role within the construction industry, he is also the founder and editor to the Construction Software & IT journal and is currently the Executive Director for the BIM Institute.
Featured articles and news
BSRIA European air conditioning market update 2024
Highs, lows and discrepancy rates in the annual demand.
50 years celebrating the ECA Apprenticeship Awards
As SMEs say the 10 years of the Apprenticeship Levy has failed them.
Nominations sought for CIOB awards
Celebrating construction excellence in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
EPC consultation in context: NCM, SAP, SBEM and HEM
One week to respond to the consultation on reforms to the Energy Performance of Buildings framework.
CIAT Celebrates 60 years of Architectural Technology
Find out more #CIAT60 social media takeover.
The BPF urges Chancellor for additional BSR resources
To remove barriers and bottlenecks which delay projects.
Flexibility over requirements to boost apprentice numbers
English, maths and minimumun duration requirements reduced for a 10,000 gain.
A long term view on European heating markets
BSRIA HVAC 2032 Study.
Humidity resilience strategies for home design
Frequency of extreme humidity events is increasing.
National Apprenticeship Week 2025
Skills for life : 10-16 February
Update on the future of Grenfell Tower
Deputy Prime Minister decides for it be carefully taken down to the ground.
Ending decades of frustration, misinformation and distrust.
Essential tools in managing historically significant landscapes.
Classroom electrician courses a 'waste of money'
Say experts from the Electrical Contractors’ Association.
Wellbeing in Buildings TG 10/2025
BSRIA topic guide updates.