Last edited 24 Jul 2024

About Conservation Wiki

Adapting Historic Buildings for Energy and Carbon Efficiency

HE Adapting Historic Buildings for Energy and Carbon Efficiency 350.jpg

Historic England advice note 18, free download published.

Glasgow's Kingston Bridge

Kingston bridge 350.jpg

Listed despite problems with its design.

Little-seen landscapes

Londesborough arms 350.jpg

Zen and the art of cycling exploration.

Bridging the gap

Conservation and the indian city 350.jpg

Conservation and the Indian City. Book review.

Reversibility in conservation ethics

Painting conservation 350.jpg

Learning from painting conservation.


Clovelly harbour 350.jpg

Sustaining a rural village.

High Street

High street front cover 350.jpg

How our centres can bounce back from the retail crisis. Book review.

Building for change

Building for change 350.jpg

The architecture of creative reuse. Book review.

Power houses

Tissington hall 350.jpg

Installing solar panels on listed structures.

Pride of Place: queer heritage

Shibden Hall 350.jpg

Acknowledging and taking pride in LGBTQ histories.

The genealogy of classicism

Classical architecture 350.jpg

For great monuments to exist there have to be concentrations of power. Book review.

Timber frame treatment

A fractured principal rafter 350.jpg

A systematic approach to conservation.

Designing Buildings Anywhere

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