About Association of Consultant Architects

the ACA is the national professional body representing architects in private practice throughout the UK.

Association of Consultant Architects
United Kingdom

The Association of Consultant Architects (ACA) is the national professional body representing architects in private practice – consultant architects – in the UK. Membership is open to Registered Architects practicing on their own account either alone or in partnership or as a Director of a company whose business consists wholly or mainly of an Architects’ practice or an allied field.

An architect who elects to become a member of the ACA will be required to pay a subscription based on the number of personnel working within his or her practice. Any other principals of the practice, whether working in partnership or in other forms of collaboration, will then become eligible for full voting membership.

Voting members must be Registered Architects, but do not have to be members of the RIBA. They may adopt the suffix ‘ACArch’. The title “architect” is protected and regulated by the Architects Registration Board (ARB). All registered architects are required to adhere to the ARB code of conduct.

The ACA is not a regulatory body, but provides an independent voice for and support to architectural practices that promotes and enables high standards in practice within the membership. The ACA maintains a directory of members and promotes the work of member architects in other ways, publishes a newsletter and arranges events and seminars all directed towards keeping members up-to-date with best practice.

The principal activities of the ACA and services provided are:

  • The ACA directory of practices published on the website
  • The ACA newsletter, which includes updates on various aspects of best practice
  • Occasional email informatives regarding practice and events and notices from associated organisations such as CIC, CIAT and SPACES
  • Publication of Construction Sector Partnering, Alliancing, Building and Architectural Contracts
  • www.acarchitects.co.uk, www.ppc2000.co.uk, www.allianceforms.co.uk

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