Listed buildings
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[edit] Introduction
The Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 creates special controls for the demolition, alteration or extension of buildings, objects or structures of particular architectural or historic interest. Listed building (LB) controls apply in addition to normal planning controls.
Listed buildings are added to a register called the List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. Historic England administers the listing system, but listing decisions are made by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport.
Buildings may be listed for a number of reasons:
- Architectural interest (such as design, decoration or craftsmanship).
- Historic interest (for example, if the building is representative of a particular type).
- Historic association (association with nationally important people or events).
- Group value (part of a larger ensemble).
There are three categories of listing in England and Wales:
- Grade I: Buildings of exceptional importance.
- Grade II*: Buildings of more than special interest.
- Grade II: Buildings of special interest.
There are approximately 375,000 listed buildings in England, of which more than 90% are grade II listed.
In Scotland, the equivalent categories are Grade A, Grade B and Grade C.
- Category A: Buildings of special architectural or historical interest which are outstanding examples of a particular period, style or building type.
- Category B: Buildings of special architectural or historic interest which are major examples of a particular period, style or building type.
- Category C: Buildings of special architectural or historic interest which are representative examples of a period, style or building type.
In Northern Ireland the equivalent categories are Grade A, Grade B+ and Grade B.
[edit] Procedures
Listing can protect the interior and exterior of the building, as well as object or structures fixed to it, and any object or structure within the curtilage of the building which has formed part of the land since before 1 July 1948. Following the introduction of the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act (ERR) 2013, it is possible when making a new listing to declare that specific features of the building, or specific buildings or structures attached to, or within the curtilage of the listed building are not of special interest.
Demolition, alteration or extension of a listed building in a way that is likely to affect its special architectural or historical interest is only allowed with the consent of the local planning authority or the Secretary of State.
There are no general rules about what can and cannot be done, as each building is unique and will have been listed for reasons particular to that building. A local authority conservation officer can establish whether proposals are likely to affect a building’s architectural or historical interest and therefore whether listed building consent is required. Listed building consent must then be obtained from the local planning authority. Decisions will generally take 8 to 13 weeks, and appeals can be submitted to the Secretary of State within 6 months. It is not possible to make outline applications for listed building consent.
It is a criminal offence to alter listed buildings without listed buildings consent and the local planning authority can have works reversed if they do not have consent.
Listing is not intended as a preservation order, it simply identifies buildings of interest. Decisions relating to listed building consents should balance historic interest against practical issues such as its function, condition or viability.
An application can be made to Historic England to have a building de-listed by submitting a Listing and designation application form. A decision is then made by the Secretary of State.
An application for a Certificate of Immunity can be made for developments affecting buildings that may be eligible for listing. This can give developers reassurance that the development will not be prevented by a building becoming listed.
Conversely, Building Preservation Notices (BPN) can be used to prevent un-listed buildings from being demolished or altered whilst an application to list them is considered. See Building Preservation Notice for more information.
Planning permission is separate to listed building consent. It is not always required alongside listed building consent. For some works, both planning permission and listed building consent will be required. It is advisable to contact the local authority Conservation Officer as a first stage to determine whether consent is required.
[edit] Other controlled sites
Other controlled sites for which special permissions may be required include:
- Scheduled ancient monuments.
- Registered historic parks and gardens.
- Conservation areas.
- Registered historic battlefields.
- Designated wrecks.
- World heritage sites.
[edit] Reform
The Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act (ERR) 2013 introduced changes to the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. Culture Minister Ed Vaizey said, ‘Listed buildings are a rich part of this country’s heritage and it is only right that we try to help those in charge of looking after them. These new measures will uphold levels of existing heritage protection, whilst also simplifying the process so that those within the heritage sector and owners are not bogged down in bureaucracy.’
The changes include:
- The introduction of Listed Building Heritage Partnership Agreements (LBHPA).
- The introduction of Local Listed Building Consent Orders (LLBCO).
- The introduction of Listed Building Consent Orders (LBCO).
- The introduction of Certificates of Lawfulness (CoL)
- Changes to new listings to permit identification of features that are not of special interest.
- Changes enabling Certificates of Immunity (COI) to be sought at any time.
- The demolition of unlisted buildings in conservation areas now requires planning permission rather than conservation area consent.
For more information see Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 and listed buildings.
[edit] Related articles on Designing Buildings
- Are works to listed buildings demolition or alteration?
- Building Preservation Notice.
- Certificate of immunity.
- Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Works.
- Charging for Listed Building Consent pre-application advice.
- Compulsory purchase orders for listed buildings.
- Conservation area.
- Conservation officer.
- Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 and listed buildings.
- Fitness for purpose in listing considerations.
- Forced entry to listed buildings.
- Guidance on Alterations to Listed Buildings.
- Heritage partnership agreement.
- Listed buildings insurance.
- Local Listed Building Consent Orders.
- Local interest list.
- Locally listed building.
- Minimalist listing.
- Negotiating listed building consent.
- Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act.
- Reactive listing.
- The history of listed buildings.
- Thematic listing.
- Town and Country Planning Act 1968.
- Use of direct action in heritage enforcement cases in England.
[edit] External references
IHBC NewsBlog
National Audit Office (NAO) says Government building maintenance backlog is at least £49 billion
The public spending watchdog will need to consider the best way to manage its assets to bring property condition to a satisfactory level.
IHBC Publishes C182 focused on Heating and Ventilation
The latest issue of Context explores sustainable heating for listed buildings and more.
Notre-Dame Cathedral of Paris reopening: 7-8 December
The reopening is in time for Christmas 2025.
Stirling Prize-winning Salford building to be demolished
The Centenary Building will be bulldozed as part of the wider £2.5bn Crescent regeneration project
Volunteers work to transform 100-year-old ‘hidden’ building into bothy
The building, named Druimnashallag, is located southeast of Oban.
The new ‘Arches for HERs’ Demo site, from the Getty Conservation Institute via HE
It shows how organisations responsible for historic environment records (HER) management can benefit from its powerful features.
ICOMOS-CIF 2024 Symposium celebrates 40th anniversary in Venice
It aims to critically review current practices and theories of conservation of built heritage around the world, and more.
HES establishes new national centre for retrofit of traditional buildings
HES plans to develop the centre follows £1m of funding from UKRI Arts and Humanities Research Council.
High Court rejects oral appeal against tower block decision in historic Bloomsbury
The request was for a full Judicial Review hearing against Camden Council’s approval of a 74m-high tower block in Bloomsbury.
Mayor of London and Government announce bold plans to transform Oxford Street
Plans include turning the road into a traffic-free pedestrianised avenue, creating a beautiful public space.
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Great introduction to the subject.